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What if our Hands were 100 Feet Long? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

Duration: 03:49Views: 403.7KLikes: 3.3KDate Created: Apr, 2022

Channel: It's AumSum Time

Category: Education

Tags: feeteducationhandskidlearningfingersschoolchildrenaum sumaumsumifkidshandlearnlong fingersmart learning for allanimationwhat ifwhat if our hands were 100 feet longwhat100 feet longscienceaumarmssecondary school (school category)it's aumsum time

Description: Buy AumSum Merchandise: aumsum.com What if our Hands were 100 Feet Long? Firstly, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, thieves would be extremely happy, cops may leave for a different planet. Secondly, Octopus are really proud of their long tentacles, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, they may leave for a different planet. Thirdly, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, parents may not be able to hide cookies from kids anymore. Fourthly, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, delivery guys will be super happy, now delivering will be a super easy job. Fifthly, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, villains might leave for a different planet, superheroes might retire. Lastly, if our Hands were 100 Feet Long, golf players may not require golf sticks anymore, golf referees may get very very confused. Timecodes 0:00 - What if our Hands were 100 Feet Long? 1:40 - Why mint tastes cold? 2:43 - Why is salt added to icy roads?

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